
Welcome to From Texas to Japan

I am a missionary to two churches in Kanagawa, Japan! To learn more about me and how I ended up here, read my About Me page!

Check out my most recent post!

Summer Adventures

Friday, December 9, 2022

"Fall" Be Home for Christmas

Here is an update from October and November,
and a look ahead toward Christmas!

    The last couple of months have been a bit more quiet, but I got to do some fun things! At the beginning of October, there was a long holiday, so I went down to Tokyo to see a friend who shares my birthday so we could celebrate together! I also got to see a couple of other friends, and to visit the church of another CTEN family while I was down there! 

Tokyo Sky Tree

Downtown Tokyo Skyline at night from Shibuya Sky Walk 

Spent some time prayer-walking around Sensōji temple, the most famous and most visited temple in Japan, and the most frequented spiritual site in the world. Even before Japan reopened to tourism, it was sad to see how many people still came that day to ask for help from the local kami or gods.

Friends from
 DBU days!

pillow fort fun with the Lath 
(another CTEN family) kids after church!

     Since Japan finally opened its borders to tourism, we were able to bring a couple over on a "vision trip," to see if this is where God wants them to serve. They were here for about three weeks, and we all got to know one another quite well in that time! It was fun showing them around, and teaching them about things that I had just discovered or am still learning. It helped me to realize how much I've been able to learn and adjust to so far!

     A couple in our church had a baby, so we hosted a baby shower, and I was in charge of decorations! It was so special getting to bless them, and to celebrate the new life! 

     I have now been a part of IKG, Ishinomaki "Kibou" (Hope) Gospel choir, long enough that I can participate in performances! My IKG debut was singing 5 songs as part of a festival held at The Historical Museum of Jomon Village to celebrate their 30th anniversary. Jomon Village is a prominent historical village, with artifacts and pit houses dating back to the early Jomon period, which ended around 300BC. It was fascinating to explore the area, and an honor to perform there!


     At the beginning of November, we had another holiday in the middle of the week, so I went down into Sendai with my conversation partner for the day. She took me to her favorite cafes and stores, and we had a lovely time exploring and chatting! It was a great chance to talk about how God called me here and to dig deeper into what I believe, all of which she listened to eagerly and openly. Be praying that my time with her shows her the Gospel lived out, and helps her to realize her need for a personal Savior.

     That Saturday saw me back in Sendai with IKG for the Sendai Gospel Festival, where we sang with members from the Sendai, Nagoya, and Osaka locations of the same choir organization. I was able to watch other groups' performances as well, and it was amazing to see so many people singing praises to God, but tragic to think of how probably few of them actually believe what they sang.


     There was another weekend of Gospel performances a few weeks later, with only a few select groups performing, one of which was our group! Unlike the previous performances, this one was indoors, held on a stage that is often used for press conferences. We went down that morning to rehearse, then we spent time together eating lunch and getting ready for the performance that afternoon. It was a great chance to really get to know the other members better. They all commented on how joyful and enthusiastic I looked while singing, so I got to share with them that it's because I really believe in what I'm singing and to Whom I'm singing, and that makes all the difference. It was such a special day, and the guest soloist, who is apparently somewhat well known in Japanese Gospel circles, was really amazing to watch. I can't find anything saying whether or not he is a believer, but the way he was singing, it wouldn't surprise me if he is. Pray for those in the audience that heard the truths of the Gospel and God's love and hope sung, and for those with whom I sang and spoke that day, that they would realize the truth of what they sing and come to know the One about Whom they sing.

     In November, we held the first Be One Academy Game Day, where we took the students to a park for a picnic lunch and then spent most of the afternoon there playing games and having fun. 

     I went yet again into Sendai for a dinner meeting of the Sendai location of Full-House A Cappella Circle. Even though we didn't get to sing together, it was nice to spend time with everyone after not meeting for a while. I got to share some of my story about coming as a missionary and what I do, and they seemed very interested in hearing about it. Pray that I can continue to be a light to them, even though we don't get to meet very often, and that they will seek to know more about the One Who called me here.


     If you thought that Japan doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving, think again! They celebrate what they call Labor Thanksgiving on November 23, which happened to fall on the day before American Thanksgiving this year! Like American Labor Day, they are grateful for the job they have and the labor force, but it's also a day to celebrate the work that went into growing, harvesting, and preparing that year's rice. The Be One team took that day to celebrate a traditional American Thanksgiving, complete with turkey (despite the turkey shortage), stuffing, all the sides you'd expect, and even a pumpkin pie! It was so special to get to spend time with the team and some others from our English-speaking community, and I was glad to still have a "normal" Thanksgiving.

     As the title of this update implies, I get to come home for Christmas! I was overwhelmed by the generosity of a few supporters who specifically wanted to make it possible for me to come home for Christmas, as well as a kind pilot friend letting me fly standby with his "buddy pass" to further lower the cost. I will be home December 20th through January 12! If you have time, I'd love to grab a coffee or meal with you and share more about what God is doing in my area of Japan! 

     Before I come home, I will have one more IKG performance as part of a Christmas concert! Pray that those who listen hear the true message of Christmas in the songs we will sing.

  • I was able to perform several times with the local Gospel Choir! I also got to share why I am in Japan with more of the choir members! 
  • I got to have a traditional Thanksgiving this year with my wonderful team!
  • Be One Academy had its first game day, so we're all a little closer after that.
  • I get to come home, and my flight was almost completely covered by supporter's generosity!
Prayer Requests:
  • Pray for all those with whom I've gotten to share my story of coming to Japan, that they would seek to know more about the One Who called me.
  • Pray for Be One's Christmas Eve service. Christmas and Christmas Eve aren't much of a big deal in Japan, especially as it lacks the religious connotations, so there isn't much planned besides a few Christmas parties for the different age groups and a candlelight service on Christmas Eve. Pray for all we invite to be free to come and hear about the true meaning of Christmas.
  • Pray for those with whom I come into contact in the community, that they would see Jesus in me and want to know Him because of my presence.
  • Continue to pray for church leadership as they seek God's guidance for the future of church and personal ministries.
  • Pray for a rejuvenating and beneficial visit home over Christmas, that I will get to see and do all I want and need to while I'm there. Pray for the meetings I have to help continue to guide my steps in His plan, not my own.
  • Pray for each other. Pray for the person who reads this next, only God knows who that is, that they will share the reason for the hope and joy that is in them, and that the light of Jesus will shine more brightly than all the Christmas lights this holiday season.

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  

In Him,


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"Commission to Every Nation,
P.O. Box 291307,
Kerrville, TX 78029-1307"

and include a separate note stating that you are supporting Amanda Griffin.

Friday, September 30, 2022

Summertime, Part 2!


Hello, Everyone!

Here is an update from July, August, and September, 
the conclusion of summer and beginning of the fall semester!
(Warning, lots of photos ahead!)

In July, I started learning Japanese more intensely. Once a week, I met with a teacher online, with a language exchange partner, and a conversation partner. I focused a lot on conversation, grammar, vocabulary, and reading aloud during all of these meetings, so by now I can hold a decent conversation, talk about myself and ask about others when I first meet someone, and understand most common questions used when checking out or ordering. When I wasn't meeting with someone, I was either studying Japanese or exploring more around town and neighboring areas!

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Summertime, Part 1!

Hello Everyone!

Here is an update from May and June, the first part of summer!

A brief compilation of photos and videos from my adventures the last couple months! 
The Schoolroom
At the end of May, the schoolroom had an end of year/semester party, and celebrated the graduation of our one senior. Even though the school year wasn’t over for some students, it was great to celebrate together with all the Be One Academy families while everyone was still around. For the month of June, there were 5 students in the schoolroom doing summer online classes, but now the schoolroom is closed for the summer holidays! It will reopen at the end of August, so until then I have lots of time to focus on language learning and to visit friends and other missionaries!

Too Darn Hot!
This summer has been the hottest on record for Japan! In Ishinomaki it got up to about 87º, and reached a heat index of 94º. Since air conditioning is so expensive in Japan, they opt for a single wall unit, which only heats or cools the room it's in. Many houses and apartments are also designed to allow for cross ventilation, which is sufficient for keeping slightly cooler when there is a breeze. Because of the lack of A/C, we have to find creative ways to stay comfortable during the day at home or at school, as well as overnight. Thankfully it has rained some the last few days, and has cooled off considerably. The heat has made for perfect days to visit local beaches, which has been immensely enjoyable and refreshing!

A Harp At Last!
As you may know, I was not able to bring my harp with me to Japan, and I have been missing having my own instrument since I got here. Thankfully, a team member knows a lady who happens to have an extra harp, so she is letting me rent it! This is much more affordable than buying even a used harp, and it is definitely an answer to prayer! Even though it is smaller than my harp back home, I have enjoyed playing different hymns and songs on it in the evenings, and look forward to using it for worship soon!

Make Friends and Influence People (for Christ)
One thing that is important for new missionaries is building community and relationships outside the church and outside the expat circles. Being a language learner has been a great foot-in-the-door for making friends. While I have a Japanese teacher I meet with via Zoom, I additionally meet with a local language exchange partner for coffee or lunch once a week. 
I have also joined a Gospel choir Surprisingly, Gospel music is a popular style in Japan, I have joined a Gospel choir (which includes only one other believer), and I am part of an a cappella ensemble, which meets in Sendai monthly. 
Have you ever had corn sushi or okra sushi?
I have taken several Sunday afternoon train trips to neighboring towns, and shop owners have been so kind and willing to briefly chat with me in my broken Japanese. This is improving my conversational skills, as well as my confidence in speaking with strangers. Pray for opportunities and the vocabulary to plant seeds in those with whom I speak.

Church, Ministry, and Looking to the Future
As I get more settled into life here, I’ve begun to seriously think and pray about how God wants to use me specifically in this community. Since Be One currently has Life Groups throughout the week and only meets all together for Sunday Celebration Service once a month, I have been visiting a church that meets in the neighboring town on the other Sundays. This has provided the chance to make a few more friends and join in their outreach events in addition to Be One’s events. Since Japan has lifted the restrictions on the size of gatherings allowed, pray as the other church and Be One consider the best way to do outreach or have events going forward. Pray for guidance for me as I continue settling in and finding my place and purpose here.

With Heavy Hearts
Shinzo Abe
Even though this is an update from May and June, I must include what happened on July 7. Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was assassinated by a man with a homemade gun, while campaigning for a member of his national party. Gun violence is extremely rare here, and Abe was a beloved leader, as well as the longest-serving prime minister. This has shaken the Japanese people, and could cause a great deal of fear for the future. Pray for Abe's wife, who has visited Ishinomaki in the past and wears Nozomi jewelry often, and his family and friends. Pray for the Japanese people to not give into fear, but that they would seek the One True God, Who casts out fear and is near to the brokenhearted. Pray that we can use this as a way to share God's love and hope with the community.


  • The school year finished well, and those who have traveled got everywhere safely!
  • I have a harp to use while I'm here! What a special extra gift from God, and a great chance to bless the missionary from whom I'm renting it, as well as those for whom I will get to play!
  • Language learning is going well! I'm making friends and connecting with the community in special ways. 
  • I am comfortable traveling solo by train or by car, so I get to explore the beauty around me every week.
Prayer Requests:
  • Pray for the summer break to be a productive time of both Bible study and Japanese study. Pray that I can learn a lot of Japanese over this break time, and that I can focus well to the end. Pray that my travel is smooth and refreshing.
  • Pray for people to stay safe in the heat, especially young children, expectant mothers, and the elderly. Pray that the power grid in densely populated areas can stand up to so much power use for A/Cs.
  • Pray for those with whom I come into contact in the community and in my adventures. Pray that I can learn and use vocabulary for witnessing that they can understand.
  • Pray for church leadership as they seek God's guidance for the future of church and personal ministries.
  • Pray for Shinzo Abe's family and the country of Japan as they mourn his sudden and tragic death. Pray that many come to Christ because of this, and that the people do not become fearful and make sudden and detrimental decisions and laws because of it. Pray for justice regarding the shooter, but also that he may come to know Christ and repent.
  • Pray for each other. Pray for the person who reads this next, only God knows who that is, that they will feel God's love and know He is in control and is not surprised by anything.
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

In Him,

Monday, May 9, 2022

Japan, At Last!

Hello Everyone! 

Well, I finally made it to Japan! The following post will be both a journal of what has happened so far and a list of what God has done for me in this time of transitions. Fasten your seatbelts, we're about to take off!

April 18, 1 day before the flight:
Japan requires all travelers to get tested for COVID within 72 hours of their flight departure. There is a specific form which the one administering the COVID test must fill out. After much searching and several calls, I was able to find a testing site that could give me the correct type in a short enough time and said they would be able to fill out this form! I drove up that morning, the pharmacist explained how to use the test, and I'm ready for it. However, when I mentioned the forms, they said it was impossible for them to do. How frustrating! So I left without taking the test and went to a local, Christian-owned pharmacy, and not only could they give me the right test and fill out the form, they had an intern that had recently gone on a mission trip to Japan! I was able to get the test, which was negative, the form, and their prayers!

That evening, my family and I had a time of fellowship and prayer as they would be sending me off the next day. It was such a special time. Over the last few weeks before moving, I felt such an outpouring of love and support from everyone around me. Without a doubt, I would not be able to believe the lie that no one loves or cares about me. What a great reminder from God to cling to as I go join a new family of believers!

April 19, flying to Japan:
Waving to my parents from the other side of security and making my way through the airport by myself was so surreal. I thank God for my parents being there and encouraging me every step of the way. Thankfully I had plenty of time to walk around and get some food and coffee before the flight, so being alone was not lonely. The day before the flight, the mask mandate on flights was lifted, and I had three seats to myself on the flight, so I had a pretty comfortable and uneventful flight. They fed us well and I was able to sleep a couple of hours.

April 20, landing in Japan:
We landed about 20 minutes ahead of schedule! This is great because apparently how fast you can get through the entry process partially depends on how busy they are based on how many flights land at the same time. I had read that transiting passengers (not staying in Japan) were let off first and those staying had to wait until last, but thankfully they let us off first! From the moment I deplaned, it was almost non-stop walking. There were several stations where they give you a paper, check the paper, mark things on the paper, ask to see that my phone had a green screen (if you filled out the paperwork electronically ahead of time and had been approved), etc. Somewhere in there, I did the saliva COVID test, and they started processing that while I went to more stations. By the time I reached the "wait for test results" area, I had walked 1550 steps in about an hour and a half. That's a lot, especially after sitting on a plane for 13 hours, and including many stairs as well. I waited for about half an hour before my number was called to get my result, which was negative. During that time, I chatted with the lady in the seat next to me, who was coming as a student to learn Japanese, and I was able to share that I was coming as a missionary! God gave me several opportunities along this journey until then to share why I was going (and in some cases I explained what a missionary was), which is a great way to plant some seeds wherever I am.

After receiving my negative test paper and quarantine instructions, I went through immigration, where I got my foreign residency card, and customs, and was finally out and able to meet my teammates to drive me up to Ishinomaki for my quarantine! Wonder of wonders, I made it through all the entry process in only 2 hours! I had still been reading of people waiting 5-9 hours to get through everything, even having done paperwork ahead of time, so it was a great work that God did allowing me to get through so smoothly and quickly! It is also wonderful that my teammates' schedule changed and they needed to come to Tokyo anyway, so they were able to pick me up and drive me, instead of me having to spend the night in a nearby hotel and navigate the trains alone the next morning. We got to my quarantine apartment around 11pm, which worked out perfectly to avoid jet lag!

April 21-27, quarantine:
For unvaccinated travelers from low-risk countries like America, quarantine is 7 days, which can be reduced if you submit a negative test taken on or after day 3. Unfortunately, my third day fell on a Saturday, and Ishinomaki is small enough that the only government-approved testing facility was closed on weekends, so I had to wait until Monday. I got tested on Monday about noon, and results are supposed come within 24 hours. I didn't get mine until after 7pm on Tuesday! Once you get the results, you have to submit them to the app that monitors location and health condition during quarantine. Since I got the results so late, they didn't respond and clear me from quarantine until 9:30 Wednesday morning, the day I would have finished quarantine anyway! Oh well, God's timing is perfect, and if nothing else, it meant not having to move to my long-term apartment in the rain.

The people of the Be One team and parents of the students I will be teaching brought me a meal each day, which was so kind and generous! I appreciated it not only because I wouldn't have to figure out getting enough food for a week, but I also got to meet each family, or couple, individually and make each connection special. This kindness makes me think of the church in Acts, just one big family, doing for and giving to other believers; a strong community built on the foundation of Christ. Though I had video-chatted with some of them, when I first met them, I could instantly feel that we were brothers and sisters in Christ, all parts of the same Body, worshiping and sharing the love of the same God. I will never get tired of this amazing representation of Heaven, of people from everywhere being connected and in one place because of the love of God and the gift of His Son.

April 27-28, moving in, getting acquainted:

Since I got the all clear notice Wednesday morning, I was able to move into my apartment that afternoon, and the pastor took me to get registered at city hall to make me an official resident of Ishinomaki, Japan! I was able to get mostly unpacked before going to my first LifeGroup that evening. Recently, the church has been trying the model of several locations of LifeGroup (small group Bible study) meetings throughout the week and having a Sunday Celebration (more traditional "church service") once a month, trying to meet the needs of the congregation and encourage local believers to be more personally involved and connected to the scriptures. Thursday I finished moving in, visited the store, and spent time with a couple who have been here about a year and a half, to discuss language learning strategies and options, and create a plan for my continued and increasingly-intense Japanese language learning. I connected with this couple very well and we talked for quite a while about music things! It's a blessing to have friends and teammates with whom I can nerd out over music!

April 29-May 1, team retreat:
I had only spent two days getting settled in my new apartment when it was time to throw things in a bag for a three day-two night retreat with the Be One team! This was a very special time with not only team leaders, but also with their families, having fellowship, discussing how ministry has been, and thanking God for any progress. We also looked toward the future and prayed for God to guide us going forward, and listened to a couple teaching about different church and growth models they've seen bear fruit in the Tokyo area. We started by having a scavenger hunt in the mall, and that was a great way to experience a mall in Japan without the pressure of spending a lot of time looking. We then had lunch in the food court, and went on to the facility where we would be staying. It was a place usually used for sports camps or tournaments, but it was open for us to use! They served us dinner, we played some games, and spent some time sharing stories of how we came to Japan or a time in our lives we felt God moving in us. I enjoyed the chance to hear my teammates' stories and share my own.

Saturday, we had some worship time (I'm working on learning the Japanese worship songs and vocabulary used, not just singing phonetically) and had a training time lead by a couple who work with an organization based in the Tokyo area called No Place Left, which works toward training Japanese believers to share and spread the Gospel until there is no place left in Japan that has not heard. We were able to listen and discuss and study scriptural evidence of how we should approach growing the Body in our local community. We then spent some time in the nearby park, which has a large "roller slide" (look it up, they're super fun) to get down to the open area, which most of us rode, and we had some lovely time playing and enjoying the beauty of God's creation in the nature around us. We even got a Salsa dancing lesson from the couple who had been training us that morning! 
In the evening, we 
had worship and discussion time, to process what we had learned, and to brainstorm ways we might implement the training going forward. Sunday, we had a time of worship and the pastor gave a sermon about Ezekiel and the dry bones, and asked God to daily give us hearts of flesh instead of stone. Then we went back home!

May 2-9, settling in, visiting Tokyo:
Tokyo Tower        
More orientation and settling in, driving practice (they drive on the opposite side, which can make things a little confusing), having dinner with different families from either the church or the school room, enjoying the few days of holiday and beautiful weather God gave for lots of fun local exploring! It turns out I'll be in Tokyo area for the weekend to help with children's ministry at a retreat one of the Be One families is attending, as well as the chance to see a friend from college and visit a family I knew from Texas! I survived and even enjoyed riding the trains of Tokyo by myself, and only took the wrong train once, which was easy to correct. I am glad God gave me this time to settle in, see friends, and travel a little before the regular schedule of teaching and ministry sets in on May 10.

    Outside Shinjuku station while transferring

  • I was able to get the right COVID test and was negative both there and upon entry to Japan!
  • I made it to Japan! I got my visa, they let me in, I am now a resident of Japan!
  • I didn't have to wear a mask on the plane and the seats to either side of me were empty!
  • The entry process went quickly and smoothly, and my teammates were able to drive me to my quarantine apartment right away!
  • All of my team is so welcoming and lovely and generous! I feel so at home with them already!
  • Kind of an unusual one, but sometimes it's the little things: there are only three ways one has to sort basic trash! I was concerned about having to divide between 6-7 different categories, but thankfully Ishinomaki only has 3, and they're really easy to understand and follow!
  • I had time to see my friends and get settled before starting my job!
  • The view out of my apartment is beautiful! I can see mountains from my bedroom and the ocean from the living room! The weather is so beautiful, even with some rain, and even snow on one night!
  • So far I have been able to navigate well enough with my limited Japanese. A teammate and I came up with a plan for language learning, which will become more intense during the summer break!
  • There have been so many daily blessings and mercies God has given, which to me just confirms that I am where I should be!
Prayer Requests:
  • Pray as I begin teaching in the classroom and start adjusting to my new schedule, that it will go smoothly and I will be useful to both parents and students.
  • Pray as I discern which Life Group (weekly Bible study) to join out of the 4 options. Pray as Be One continues to discern the best "church" model and opportunities to fit the needs of local believers.
  • Pray that the ministries here will see growth, both in number of seekers and faith of believers, that they would feel the burden to share their faith with their family and community.
  • Pray that those around me would see only Jesus and the hope that His love can bring, and that I would find ways to start conversations with neighbors and find English-speakers until I can become more fluent.
  • Pray as I start soon with a Japanese teacher and continue looking for a language helper, that I would find just the right people to help me learn quickly and easily, and that I would boldly use what I know instead of reverting to gesturing or translating. Pray that my brain would absorb new information well and bring what I've learned to mind easily.
  • Pray for each other. Pray for the person who reads this next, only God knows who that is, that they will feel God's presence in their day today and know He is their only hope.
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

In Him,

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Big Changes, Happening Fast

Hello everyone! 

So much has changed in the last few weeks! On February 25, we found out that, starting March 1, Japan would be opening its borders to everyone except tourists, so I was finally allowed to apply for my visa! 

On March 3, my mom and I took my visa application in-person to the consulate to make sure they got everything and had all the right documents. I was glad we did that, as one of the documents had the wrong number in one place, but, thank the Lord, they were able to accept all the other documents. I was able to email the corrected document to them the next day, and they started processing it right away. They normally don't let people email in documents, but because I live far enough away, they made the exception. What a huge answer to prayer! 

An even bigger answer to prayer, they have already approved my visa and sent it back to me, all in only one week! It could have taken several weeks with the influx of so many new visa applications, but I suppose I got it in early enough that they were able to already process it! The Lord is so good to provide this, and it is an assurance that I am following His will. As my mom said, "when He was ready to open this door, He flung it open!"

One of the documents normally would have expired in January, but they extended it to be valid until April 30! This means, however, that I MUST enter Japan before this date. Since I need a little time to pack and get everything ready, my team and I agreed that the week after Easter was long enough to prepare, but still early enough to get in well before the deadline and allow for possible delays. I have booked a flight for April 19, landing on April 20! Right now, I will be able to quarantine in the empty apartment provided by my team, and the requirements are greatly decreased from the previous two full weeks to only 3-7 days (3 days if you take a test and are negative, 7 days without a test)! Then I will be able to move into my new apartment with two roommates from the church!

Please pray that everything goes smoothly as I begin again to get everything ready and that I can pack efficiently and wisely. As I look toward going, I will be looking at my monthly donations, so I can budget accordingly. If you feel led, and have been waiting until I go to start giving monthly, even if it is $5 a month, now is the time to start! (Some have mentioned they have had issues getting into the system to give online. If you have been having issues, please let me know so CTEN's financial team and I can work with you on getting that donation to the right place.) I will be entirely financially supported by donations you make, and while I appreciate any one-time gifts, I can feel confident in being financially able to stay there based on the monthly donations I receive. Pray that I can learn to rely on God to provide what I need each day, as Jesus says when teaching His disciples how they should pray, "Give us this day our daily bread," (Matthew 6:11). Our daily bread. Not weekly, not monthly, but what we need for that day. When the Israelites were wandering in the wilderness and God provided manna, they were to collect only what they needed for the day. If they tried to collect more to have some for the next day, it would spoil overnight (Exodus 16). Pray that I would be content with the manna for each day, and that the Lord would provide enough monthly supporters to provide my "daily bread." I trust Him in His provision of everything for life and godliness to provide for me wherever I am, as long as I follow Him.

Local updates:

My nephew walking some on vacation
with his daddy's help!
We just celebrated my sweet nephew's first birthday! He is now able to stand up and walk somewhat independently, and is babbling with a greater variety of sounds. I can tell he has so much to tell us and is very close to real words! We were also able to go on a family vacation, and it was a beautiful, fun, and refreshing time of togetherness. My nephew did great on the plane and while we were there!

It has been such a joy and privilege to watch him grow and develop this year. As I think about it, I think this year was a gift from God, for me to have time with him, to build into him for his first year of life, to learn what it is to care for an infant and gain first-hand experience in the development process. I will miss him very much, but at least there is technology available for me to stay connected and watch him grow, even from the other side of the world!

While there are a few opportunities available to me, were I to stay home, I am willing to miss out on those things in order to finally go fulfill the call I've been working toward for five years now. I understand that part of the sacrifices of mission work abroad is missing out on life events, like birthdays, my cousin's wedding, and Christmas. In exchange, however, I get to experience an entirely different culture, and I get to share the Gospel with those who have nothing in which, or in whom, they can hope or believe.

The past year, after several attempts to go anywhere abroad on mission, I wondered if God still wanted me to be a missionary, or if He was testing my willingness to follow wherever He led. I could relate to Paul in his desire and planning to visit his brethren in multiple churches, but never being able to fulfill that goal (Acts 16:6-10, 1 Thessalonians 2:17-19). Learning to be willing to go wherever God calls, when He calls, is difficult. However, one of the most important qualities of a missionary is flexibility. Just as I began to explore to what else He might be calling me, He reaffirmed His original call. It was an important lesson to remind me that I should do nothing without His direction (Psalm 127:1, Exodus 33:14-16). As Paul writes to the Romans, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28). He is working things out in His time, not mine, for His glory, not mine, but it is still for my good and the good of others who love Him, but ultimately for His Kingdom. He is preparing me for my call and the call for me, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Prayer Requests:

  • Praise that borders are finally open and that my visa was processed and approved so quickly!
  • Pray for borders to remain open, at least long enough for me to get there.
  • Pray as I get ready to go, that I would remember everything I need and need to do, that I would use this remaining time wisely. 
  • Pray as I continue raising support in preparation for moving. Pray that God would especially provide monthly supporters that make it possible to stay there long-term as a missionary.
  • Pray for we three apartment mates to be bound in the unity of the Holy Spirit, to support and encourage one another in love, and to walk in the Spirit, even as they adjust to having a new member.
  • Pray as I meet the students whom I will teach, that the Lord will give me rapport, but proper authority, and that I able to step in easily to my role and grasp the various curricula. 
  • Pray for each other. Pray for the person who reads this next, only God knows who that is, that they will feel God's presence in their day today and know He cares for them. As Paul urges the Ephesians, be "eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" (Ephesians 4:3).

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  

    In Him,

    If you feel led to partner with me financially, just click here, or go to and click donate, or mail a check to "Commission to Every Nation, P.O. Box 291307, Kerrville, TX 78029-1307" and include a separate note stating that you are supporting Amanda Griffin.