
Welcome to From Texas to Japan

I am a missionary to two churches in Kanagawa, Japan! To learn more about me and how I ended up here, read my About Me page!

Check out my most recent post!

Summer Adventures

Prayer Requests

 Here, I'll post any ways you can be praying for me!

(Last Updated March 20, 2024)

Pray for my new team as we learn what ministry together looks like. Pray for the growth of both churches, both spiritually and in numbers, especially as the new school year starts in April, that more college students would be drawn to Shonan Church.

Pray for the many with whom I have come into contact so far and have share the love and truth of God. Pray that the seeds planted would grow and bear fruit.

Pray for the English class as we prepare for them to start in April, that we would work together well, that the students would listen and learn well, and that the children, their mothers, and the adults would see only Jesus in us. Pray that we would have the chance to share the Gospel and Jesus' love and hope with them.

Pray for our Easter event this Saturday, that parents would be willing to send their children and come themselves, that their hearts would be open and soft to receive the Gospel, and that many seeds would take firm root from what they hear and see.

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