
Welcome to From Texas to Japan

I am a missionary to two churches in Kanagawa, Japan! To learn more about me and how I ended up here, read my About Me page!

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Falling Leaves and Temperatures

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Falling Leaves and Temperatures



    A few weeks ago the temperature finally fell enough to feel like fall, but since then it's been warm in the afternoon and cool in the evening, so it's definitely layering season! With the cooler weather, the leaves are starting to change into all their beautiful colors, and the sunsets have been particularly spectacular of late! 

     In September, the church held its annual silent retreat at a Catholic retreat center/monastery in neighboring Shizuoka prefecture. For two days, we had guided meditation time, during which we were to remain quiet while in that building, even during meal-times, in order to become more aware of every moment, and to open our hearts as to how God might be speaking to us. We also had a special worship service. Our singing was the only time anyone, but the pastor, should make sound. Thanks to your prayers, I was able to easily remain quiet the entire time except for singing. However, some of the church members were very excited to have extended time together and found remaining silent a bit more of a challenge, so it was not as noiseless of an experience as I had expected. But all-in-all it was a nice change of pace and scenery, and a lovely opportunity to be still and to listen to God. 
Mount Fuji is partially in Shizuoka prefecture, so we had a beautiful, wide, clear view of it while we were there; so close to it! 

     Previously, I've met very few people with birthdays in September, but here they seem to abound! One of my English student's birthday is even the same day as mine! Another church member's birthday is about a week before mine, so the pastor and his wife treated us to a joint birthday dinner, which was very special and fun! I also got a package from home! (Can you tell I like watching baseball?)

     At the end of September, the Christian Center hosted a multi-church international worship night! I played piano with the worship team from Shonan Community Church. The other teams who played were composed of members from different local churches, even including a trio of high school clarinetists! It was such an amazing time of worship, with many in attendance from different churches, and a few non-church goers who were invited by friends. At least six different countries were represented (Japan, Korea, US, Nepal, Ghana, and Philippines), so we led songs both in English and Japanese. It was the largest gathering of Japanese believers I've seen in a while, and it was so encouraging. Preparing for it helped me "level up" my worship piano skills, which have been growing steadily over the months I've been here, so I was able to play freely and comfortably in a true spirit of worship. It was also nice to have the chance to sing along while others lead. I look forward to the next time we can have a worship night! 

     We held our kids cafe two times, with 7 the first time, and 24 the second time! It was nice to get closer with the few who came the first time, but I was glad so many were able to come the second time. Pray for energy and ideas for each time. Though we can't explicitly share the gospel or talk about religious topics, pray that God's love would show clearly in our words and deeds, and that they would somehow make the connection to our missionary status and our behavior. We are considering starting another kids cafe at the church, which would both connect children to the church for other events and give us the freedom to include religious topics and vocabulary in our teaching. Pray for guidance and wisdom as we consider this new venture.

     We are watching the Lord growing a seed in the heart of the mother of one of my middle school English students! She is also in charge of the kids cafe. She has been separated from church for a few years, but in December, she and her son will join the church as members and be baptized! I am not certain how deep their faith is, but this is very exciting for the whole church. Pray for them, that their faith would continue to grow, and that they would draw other young people to the church.

     In my last letter, I spoke of my upcoming trip to Korea. I leave Wednesday of next week (October 30), and will be there for three weeks. This opportunity is part of my Pastor's sending church in Daejeon, about an hour south of Seoul. I will be studying English and Japanese ministry and evangelism, children and youth ministries, and worship leading, under several different ministries. I am very excited for this time to continue studying missions in a spiritually rich environment, and, of course, I look forward to all the adventures that come with a new location and culture. Pray for my heart and mind to be open to all God would teach me through this time, and for my body to remain healthy so as to make the best use of this significant time. Pray for the connections and relationships I will make, and for anyone I come in contact with, that Christ would be glorified in every moment and every interaction.

     I have a big praise! Samukawa Church will be giving a Christmas concert on Christmas day, and it always brings in many from the community who would not otherwise enter a church. They feature a special guest musician, and this year they have asked me to play harp! For a few songs, a lady from another church will join on piano for a duet. As I have no harp here, we decided to rent one. Thankfully, the pianist had a connection to a harp rental service, and asked the rates for us to consider how long we could afford to rent the harp. The church would sponsor the rental, however the fee for the two days, in addition to the transportation fee, was all the church could manage. I hoped for a longer time to practice, especially since I haven't played since last Christmas! In comparing the month-long rate and the two-day rate, I realized it wasn't that much more to rent for a month, and so offered to make up the difference in fees so that I could have ample time to practice, to give a concert worth hearing. One evening a few weeks ago, the pastor, the pianist, and I met to call the company to finalize the reservation. During the call, the company offered a significant discount, and included things like a bench and extra strings, and even extended it to be slightly more than a month! I had been praying for this situation to work out according to His will, and I could feel His love and blessing in the way He answered that prayer.


  • Huge praise! One of my middle school English students and his mom are joining the church in December!
  • English classes and other events have been going well! We have even gained a new 1st grade English student!
  • The silent retreat went well and I was able to take that time to listen to God's voice.
  • I felt much love for my birthday and got to celebrate together with church members!
  • Kids cafe is going well and continuing to grow!
  • We were able to reserve a harp to rent for the month of December to use for the Christmas concert, and they gave us a discount!

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for my time in Korea, that I would be open to all God has to teach me and ways to use me.
  • Pray for the many with whom I have and will come into contact, that the seeds planted would grow and bear fruit. I have recently been able to have more conversations with a staff member at the nearby 7-11, so pray especially for her.
  • Pray for wisdom and guidance going forward with the kids cafe and the possibility of starting one at the church.
  • Pray as we begin to plan and prepare for Christmas events, especially for the Christmas concert.
  • Pray for each other. Pray for the person who reads this next, only God knows who that is, that they would take time to be still and listen to what God is saying to them, and then have the courage to act on it in faith.

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

In Him,


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