
Welcome to From Texas to Japan

I am a missionary to two churches in Kanagawa, Japan! To learn more about me and how I ended up here, read my About Me page!

Check out my most recent post!

Falling Leaves and Temperatures

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Big Changes, Happening Fast

Hello everyone! 

So much has changed in the last few weeks! On February 25, we found out that, starting March 1, Japan would be opening its borders to everyone except tourists, so I was finally allowed to apply for my visa! 

On March 3, my mom and I took my visa application in-person to the consulate to make sure they got everything and had all the right documents. I was glad we did that, as one of the documents had the wrong number in one place, but, thank the Lord, they were able to accept all the other documents. I was able to email the corrected document to them the next day, and they started processing it right away. They normally don't let people email in documents, but because I live far enough away, they made the exception. What a huge answer to prayer! 

An even bigger answer to prayer, they have already approved my visa and sent it back to me, all in only one week! It could have taken several weeks with the influx of so many new visa applications, but I suppose I got it in early enough that they were able to already process it! The Lord is so good to provide this, and it is an assurance that I am following His will. As my mom said, "when He was ready to open this door, He flung it open!"

One of the documents normally would have expired in January, but they extended it to be valid until April 30! This means, however, that I MUST enter Japan before this date. Since I need a little time to pack and get everything ready, my team and I agreed that the week after Easter was long enough to prepare, but still early enough to get in well before the deadline and allow for possible delays. I have booked a flight for April 19, landing on April 20! Right now, I will be able to quarantine in the empty apartment provided by my team, and the requirements are greatly decreased from the previous two full weeks to only 3-7 days (3 days if you take a test and are negative, 7 days without a test)! Then I will be able to move into my new apartment with two roommates from the church!

Please pray that everything goes smoothly as I begin again to get everything ready and that I can pack efficiently and wisely. As I look toward going, I will be looking at my monthly donations, so I can budget accordingly. If you feel led, and have been waiting until I go to start giving monthly, even if it is $5 a month, now is the time to start! (Some have mentioned they have had issues getting into the system to give online. If you have been having issues, please let me know so CTEN's financial team and I can work with you on getting that donation to the right place.) I will be entirely financially supported by donations you make, and while I appreciate any one-time gifts, I can feel confident in being financially able to stay there based on the monthly donations I receive. Pray that I can learn to rely on God to provide what I need each day, as Jesus says when teaching His disciples how they should pray, "Give us this day our daily bread," (Matthew 6:11). Our daily bread. Not weekly, not monthly, but what we need for that day. When the Israelites were wandering in the wilderness and God provided manna, they were to collect only what they needed for the day. If they tried to collect more to have some for the next day, it would spoil overnight (Exodus 16). Pray that I would be content with the manna for each day, and that the Lord would provide enough monthly supporters to provide my "daily bread." I trust Him in His provision of everything for life and godliness to provide for me wherever I am, as long as I follow Him.

Local updates:

My nephew walking some on vacation
with his daddy's help!
We just celebrated my sweet nephew's first birthday! He is now able to stand up and walk somewhat independently, and is babbling with a greater variety of sounds. I can tell he has so much to tell us and is very close to real words! We were also able to go on a family vacation, and it was a beautiful, fun, and refreshing time of togetherness. My nephew did great on the plane and while we were there!

It has been such a joy and privilege to watch him grow and develop this year. As I think about it, I think this year was a gift from God, for me to have time with him, to build into him for his first year of life, to learn what it is to care for an infant and gain first-hand experience in the development process. I will miss him very much, but at least there is technology available for me to stay connected and watch him grow, even from the other side of the world!

While there are a few opportunities available to me, were I to stay home, I am willing to miss out on those things in order to finally go fulfill the call I've been working toward for five years now. I understand that part of the sacrifices of mission work abroad is missing out on life events, like birthdays, my cousin's wedding, and Christmas. In exchange, however, I get to experience an entirely different culture, and I get to share the Gospel with those who have nothing in which, or in whom, they can hope or believe.

The past year, after several attempts to go anywhere abroad on mission, I wondered if God still wanted me to be a missionary, or if He was testing my willingness to follow wherever He led. I could relate to Paul in his desire and planning to visit his brethren in multiple churches, but never being able to fulfill that goal (Acts 16:6-10, 1 Thessalonians 2:17-19). Learning to be willing to go wherever God calls, when He calls, is difficult. However, one of the most important qualities of a missionary is flexibility. Just as I began to explore to what else He might be calling me, He reaffirmed His original call. It was an important lesson to remind me that I should do nothing without His direction (Psalm 127:1, Exodus 33:14-16). As Paul writes to the Romans, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28). He is working things out in His time, not mine, for His glory, not mine, but it is still for my good and the good of others who love Him, but ultimately for His Kingdom. He is preparing me for my call and the call for me, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Prayer Requests:

  • Praise that borders are finally open and that my visa was processed and approved so quickly!
  • Pray for borders to remain open, at least long enough for me to get there.
  • Pray as I get ready to go, that I would remember everything I need and need to do, that I would use this remaining time wisely. 
  • Pray as I continue raising support in preparation for moving. Pray that God would especially provide monthly supporters that make it possible to stay there long-term as a missionary.
  • Pray for we three apartment mates to be bound in the unity of the Holy Spirit, to support and encourage one another in love, and to walk in the Spirit, even as they adjust to having a new member.
  • Pray as I meet the students whom I will teach, that the Lord will give me rapport, but proper authority, and that I able to step in easily to my role and grasp the various curricula. 
  • Pray for each other. Pray for the person who reads this next, only God knows who that is, that they will feel God's presence in their day today and know He cares for them. As Paul urges the Ephesians, be "eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" (Ephesians 4:3).

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  

    In Him,

    If you feel led to partner with me financially, just click here, or go to and click donate, or mail a check to "Commission to Every Nation, P.O. Box 291307, Kerrville, TX 78029-1307" and include a separate note stating that you are supporting Amanda Griffin. 

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