
Welcome to From Texas to Japan

I am a missionary to two churches in Kanagawa, Japan! To learn more about me and how I ended up here, read my About Me page!

Check out my most recent post!

Summer Adventures

Friday, December 29, 2023

Recent Japan Trip Report and Upcoming Move!


Thank you to everyone who prayed for me on my recent trip to visit Wansik and Cosmo Bang (the Korean-Japanese couple introduced to me by a member of my church) in Kanagawa, Japan! I was able to get a seat on both flights easily, thanks to so many people lifting me up. I got to see and do so much in a short time, so I’m really glad I was able to take this trip. God made it clear during this time that it was where He wants me to serve.

I landed on Thursday Evening and went straight to a hotel (after the obligatory stop in a 7-11 for delicious snacks) and slept off the jet lag before meeting up with the Bangs on Friday and settling into their home. On Saturday, I helped with a children’s English class, and afterward we all ate a curry lunch provided by the generosity of the church and neighborhood. This provided meal happens once a month, for low-income families who sometimes cannot feed their children more than one meal on the weekend. You might never realize it, but there are many such families and areas across the country. I am glad to see this community caring for their poor, and was honored to take part in it. 
That evening, we went out to Odawara to take part in their evening Bible study. It was attended by people of all ages, from junior and senior high school students, to college students and young adults, and even several grandmas! The topic that evening was the importance of every life, and they brought in a midwife to share about her job and how she gets to experience how special each life is every day.

On Sunday, I attended both Samukawa Christ Church (left above) in the morning and Shonan Community Church (right above) in the afternoon. The members of Samukawa CC are older and their service is more traditional, but they are very kind and welcoming, and I knew all the old hymns we sang, though I don’t know the lyrics in Japanese so had to read fast! After the service, the church grandmas made delicious udon for everyone! Shonan CC members have a few older members and a few younger members, so the worship is more contemporary. As their regular worship leader couldn’t be there this week, Pastor Bang led on guitar and I volunteered to play keyboard along with him. It was fun to be part of leading worship even though I still can’t sing much in Japanese yet! I happened to be there on the week both churches held communion, so it was special to take part in that with both churches.

On Monday, Cosmo took me sightseeing in Kamakura and Enoshima. I got to see a locally famous shopping street and temple, then we stopped in Inamuragasaki for lunch, and from there, you can see not only Enoshima, but… Mt. Fuji!!! I had seen it from a bullet train and from a plane before, but this was my first time seeing it so well and standing still. I never understood the hype of seeing it in person until that moment. Its grandeur couldn’t be captured by my phone camera. I am reminded of the second verse of How Great Thou Art, “when I look down from lofty mountain grandeur…Then sings my soul, my Saviour, God, to Thee, how great Thou art!”

Tuesday was a schedule-free day, so I scheduled a “headspa” or scalp-cleaning massage (a belated birthday present), which was lovely and relaxing, then enjoyed wandering around the shopping area, before meeting their daughter for an evening of dinner and karaoke! What a special bonding time. I was reminded of how difficult it is to sing along to an accompaniment track you've never heard before! I also realized the importance of taking a proper Sabbath, a day of rest, even if it isn’t on Sunday.

On Wednesday morning, Pastor Wansik and I took the train out to Odawara Christian Center (OCC, not to be confused with Operation Christmas Child) for their English Bible Study. It was small but the discussion was great, even with their varying levels of English! Afterward, the leader of OCC took me to lunch and to sightsee, including Odawara Castle, then I made my way back to the Bang's home to rest and repack my things for my departure the next day. With Thanksgiving travel rush approaching, we decided it was a better idea to fly home on Thursday than risk not getting a seat on Friday’s flight. Thursday morning I bid the Bang family goodbye and set off for the airport. I made it there with plenty of time and enjoyed areas of the airport I didn't explore as much before, before going through security and waiting for my name to be called at the gate. I was tired enough from my travels that I actually slept for several hours on that flight! 

It has been so wonderful getting to spend time with many of you while I've been home! Since Japan doesn't really celebrate Christmas, it was extra special getting to do all the Christmas things I love with my family and friends. 

Left to Right, Top to Bottom: manger scene at Main Street Bethlehem in Burnet, Texas (First Baptist Burnet welcomes >25,000 guests from around the world to an immersive experience of what it may have been like in Bethlehem the night Jesus was born), playing for my neighbor's Sunday School's Christmas luncheon, the entrance sign to Main Street Bethlehem, the German Christmas Pyramid at the Dallas Arboretum, the church choir and orchestra Christmas party (before anyone got there), eating at the Bluebonnet Cafe in Marble Falls (a Texas road trip must-visit), seeing a Christmas concert with family

I especially wanted to let you know that I have been accepted as the missionary to Samukawa Christian Church in Kanagawa, Japan! I will be returning in January, moving my things down from Ishinomaki, and setting up my new home in the house provided by the church! 

As I move and set up a new house by myself, I ask that you prayerfully consider remembering me in your year-end giving, either as a one-time gift to help with moving and set-up costs, or monthly support to fund my ongoing ministry to the second-largest unreached people group in the world. As always, your prayers for me and for the hearts of the Japanese are of highest value. 

Thank you again for all your prayers and support for me and my ministry this past year! God is doing things in Japan and I get to be a part of it because I have you on my team! If you would like to meet with me or have me speak in your Bible Study or Sunday School before I go back, please let me know!


  • The trip in November went well, and I was easily able to get a seat on both flights!
  • I have been accepted by the church in Japan and will be moving to serve with them in January!
  • God is good in His timing and faithful in His promises!

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for peace and clear thinking as I close my time in the states and prepare to move to a new area of Japan. Pray for smoothness in all the logistics of moving.
  • Pray that God would provide additional monthly and one-time support gifts to help cover any moving and setup costs and the increase in cost of living.
  • Continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, as we were instructed to do in Psalm 122. Pray that many would come to know Jesus as Messiah through these horrific times, as we look to His return and the end of the age of mercy.
  • Pray for each other. Pray for the person who reads this next, only God knows who that is, that they will thank Him for sending Jesus to be Emmanuel, God with us, and that He is still with us today.

I wish you a blessed Christmas season and a very Happy New Year!

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

In Him,


Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Patience in the Waiting, Faith in the Going


Welcome to everyone who signed up for my newsletter at the Missions Conference back in July! Thank you to all who stopped by to say hi! 

     Immediately after the conference, I joined a choir, consisting mostly of alumni from Dallas Baptist University, on a tour of England! We sang in residency at St. Alban's Cathedral, which meant singing three weekend evensongs and two Sunday morning services. I enjoyed learning to sing and lead a liturgy, compared to worship services back home. It was special to take time to be reverent and honor God in a more formal way, and I gained a better understanding of what it means that God is our King, something I think many Americans struggle with since we have no king for an earthly reference. 

Top to Bottom, Left to Right:
Singing in St. Albans Cathedral, Nave of St. Albans Cathedral, Christ Church in Oxford
Inside Christ Church, View from St. Albans Cathedral Tower, Inside Canterbury Cathedral
"Big Ben" Elizabeth Tower, Alley of stairs in Dover, Outside of the Guild Chapel in Stratford-upon-Avon
The White Cliffs of Dover, Inside Canterbury Cathedral, Dover Castle
Gravesite of J.R.R. Tolkien and his wife in Oxford, Afternoon Tea in Canterbury, Pulpit in Oxford where C.S. Lewis last lectured
Singing in Canterbury Cathedral, Ruins of St. Augustine's Abbey, Seeing "As You Like It" at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre

     I also enjoyed basking in all the history of Christianity there, and the country in general, seeing places I've heard about for years, learning so much from our wonderful tour guides, and getting to actually sing in both ancient and world-renowned cathedrals. Besides our residency at St. Albans, we sang a concert in the Guild Chapel in Stratford-upon-Avon, and Christ Church Cathedral in Oxford, and had the privilege of singing the evensong for Canterbury Cathedral! I have a new appreciation for the genius architects who created such wonderful acoustics!

     After coming home from England, I have been helping take care of my nephew a few afternoons a week, and have had many meetings and much correspondence with potential teams and churches with whom I am interested in serving in Japan. (Most meetings happen in the evening for the benefit of those with whom I'm meeting in Japan. With the 14-hour time difference, no one wants to get up super early or stay up super late for such an important meeting!) Additionally, I have met with friends, supporters, family, and missions staff at church and from my sending agency. I am so blessed to have so many people praying for me, and be exposed to so much wisdom I can glean from other missionaries.

     At the beginning of October, I flew to Pennsylvania to attend an event hosted by the Association of Baptist for World Evangelism (ABWE) to learn about who they are as an organization, and consider if their team in Japan is with whom I should serve. This is one of two main options I'm considering right now. The other option is a couple, the Bangs, in Kanagawa (just West of Tokyo) to whom I was introduced by Durene White, a member of my church. Durene spent time in Japan and shares my heart for seeing its people come to Christ! The Bangs have two churches and a Christian community center, with a variety of ministries and opportunities to serve their members and their community! Since I could join them while continuing under CTEN, I would be able to return to Japan much sooner than other options. Before committing to serving under them, I felt it would be worth it to visit them in person, since borders are open and a supporter is again generously allowing me to fly on his buddy pass to make the trip more affordable! I will be visiting them in Kanagawa from November 7th though 17th, to see in person if it is a good fit. (Pray I can make it back before the Thanksgiving travel rush!). If all goes well and God confirms that I am supposed to serve with the Bangs, I will be home through the end of the year, and, Lord willing, go back to Japan to start my new ministry in January!

     God has taught me yet again about the perfection of his timing. My original plan was to return to Japan with a new team at the beginning of September, but God saw fit to keep me here. I am grateful He did, as I was able to visit with my grandfather the day before he passed away, and attended and participated in his funeral. I knew God had a reason for delaying my return, and though it was hard at moments, I am so glad I can trust in the sovereign timing of the One Who holds my future.

Food craft from women's conference, seeing Shohei Ohtani
playing against the Rangers, Playing harp in a fall concert,
going to the State Fair, Spending time with friends

     While I am still home (between Thanksgiving and Christmas), I would love to continue meeting with you and sharing how God has used me in Japan over the last year and a half! Thank you to everyone whom I've gotten to meet and share with so far! When I return to Japan, where I will be living has a slightly higher cost of living than where I was living before, and as I become more established in Japan there will be certain extra or higher monthly costs, such as insurance and taxes. Join me in praying for God to provide the monthly financial support for monthly cost-of-living increases and for one-time gifts to cover miscellaneous costs involved in moving and getting set up in a new area and home. 


  • I have met with many friends and supporters, both at the missions conference and individually.
  • The missions conference was a sweet time of refreshment, learning, and connecting.
  • The choir tour in England went well and was enjoyable and educational.
  • I have connected with several organizations and groups of God's workers in Japan, and I have many wise people around me, praying with me through this period of discernment. 
  • God provides and guides in His perfect timing!

Prayer Requests:

  • Continued good meetings with friends and supporters as I am stateside.
  • Continued guidance as I seek God's will for my next steps, especially as I visit the Bangs next week. Pray that He would make it clear from my time with them and their churches whether this is my next ministry or not. Pray for ease of flying, especially approaching Thanksgiving weekend, that there will be a seat available on just the right flight.
  • Pray that God would provide additional monthly and one-time support gifts to help cover any moving and setup costs and the increase in cost of living.
  • Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, as we were instructed to do in Psalm 122. Pray that many would come to know Jesus as Messiah through these horrific times, as we look to His return and the end of the age of mercy.
  • Pray for each other. Pray for the person who reads this next, only God knows who that is, that they will trust in His timing for their lives. Pray He is near to them in their trials and waiting.

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

In Him,


Sunday, June 18, 2023

Spring Flowers, Summer Showers


Wow, it has been a busy semester, and I’m finally sitting down to write this! Buckle up, we have about 4 months to get through in this one, starting all the way back in March!

Time Marches On

It has now been 12 years since the 9.1 magnitude earthquake and tsunami reaching 132 feet high devastated this area of Japan on March 11, 2011. I have heard both terrible stories and amazing testimonies from that disaster, and I thank God for bringing attention and His workers to this otherwise forgotten area of the country, despite all the loss and destruction. It was deeply moving and meaningful to observe my first "3.11" not only in-country, but while living one mile away from the shore that the tsunami swept over and beyond. Continue to pray for opportunities for the brokenness, caused by this tragedy, to bring about faith and freedom from the captivity of fear.

Spring Break in Kyoto, Gifu, and Osaka

I was able to spend my Spring Break traveling as a tourist for a day or two, then I visited friends to learn about how they do ministry, and how the Lord is moving through those ministries. I also got to help some with their homeschooling, and to teach one of their kids a few songs on piano! Even on vacation, the teaching never stops! I took the train back to Ishinomaki and got to have lunch with my friend, Jun, again as I went through Tokyo!

"Gospeling" at the station
in Gifu with friends

The fanciest panel of toilet buttons I've 
seen so far, at a rest stop during the
long bus ride

Tasty Thai food with
Jun in Tokyo

I had an interesting travel experience by taking an overnight bus ride from Sendai west to Kyoto. Though the plan said it could take 8-10 hours, it took over 11 hours! All-in-all, it was a good experience and got me to my destination safely, but I think I will only take that again if it’s the only reasonable choice. It was interesting to see (or rather, not see) the rest-stop stations in the quiet, dark hours of the night, in prefectures I’ve never visited. 

Sakura over a river in the old-town area of Kyoto

Famous "Glico Man" sign 
in Dotonbori in Osaka

While on these trips, I had the chance to have some great experiences! In Kyoto, I got to experience the famous cherry blossoms in full bloom! In Osaka, I got to see a figure skating performance by some of Japan’s, and the world’s, top figure skaters! When I first started learning more about Japan, the top male skater in the world was Yuzuru Hanyu, who retired from competing last year, but is still performing. Wanting to share the Gospel with him is part of what drove me to start learning Japanese, so getting to see him and other favorites perform in person was quite a dream come true! I was even able to attend a figure skating competition in April and got to see even more extremely talented skaters! I continue to pray for his salvation, and that of the other skaters as well, and hope that I, or one of their influencers, might have the chance to one day share the Good News of the One who gave them their gifts.
World Figure Skating Team Competition
Exhibition Performance
"Stars on Ice" figure skating in Osaka

April Showers

In April, I got to celebrate Easter several times and in special ways! We talked about Lent and Holy Week in the schoolroom, and I got to share some American Easter traditions with the students (even though they’re American, they might not know about certain traditions). I also got to prepare and hold a Passover Seder with my roommate, following a video made by a Messianic Jewish family to educate both the origins of the Seder and the way the parts point to Christ and how He fulfills it. It added so much more meaning to the events of Holy Week, and I will definitely continue this tradition in the future. If you ever have the chance to attend, or to host a Seder, I highly recommend it!

I also got to help one of our schoolroom families with their team’s family Easter event! We hid eggs for them to hunt, and shared about how, like a seed has to die to give a flower a chance for a beautiful life, Jesus died for us to have a chance to have eternal life with Him. It was all of the families’ first time hunting, or even seeing, Easter eggs! It was a wonderful chance for children and their parents to hear the Good News and the true story of Easter. I was glad to be able to help with their event!

Easter Event at school family's church

 Many shoes at the door means many visitors
who attended our Easter Celebration     

On Easter Sunday, our church held their regular service, and many people came, some after a long absence, and others for the first time! One couple even brought their pet rabbit to be an Easter bunny! I was honored to be asked to play my harp for communion, and I chose “I Come to the Garden” and “Nothing but the Blood” as fitting hymns for Easter. After I played, the pastor shared some of the lyrics and translated them into Japanese so the congregation could understand the significance of the hymns I played. I am grateful to have grown up singing many hymns with such rich text, and I pray I never take it for granted.

May Flowers

With the beginning of May came Golden Week, a series of national holidays back to back. It’s not a full week of holidays, but most people take off the days before or after to make it a full week! Several of us from my team took a hike up high on a nearby mountain. It was so fun to be outside in the beautiful weather and surrounded by things growing in the spring air! The azaleas were in full bloom and it was as if I was surrounded by rivers of corals and pinks! God’s creation continually amazes me and reminds me that He gave us these things to enjoy and point our attention back to His love and grace.

I again spent time with the team in Gifu with whom I had visited during Spring Break. We attended a training time in Nagoya which was very beneficial. The training was hosted mainly by Brazilians, so everything was in Portuguese, and I listened to the English translation over a transistor radio. I was amazed to see such a large gathering of not only foreigners, but believers! It’s probably the first time I’ve been in a room with that many believers in Japan, an estimated 500 at least! Pray for what God is doing through His Brazilian church in Japan! 
When I got back to Ishinomaki, several team members from the Osaka location of Be One were visiting. I got to know them better, and hear about what God is doing there!

Fun times in June

Time with other folks on my team, just to relax and build relationships, has been so important and fun. A new team member, Haley, has been joining me in watching (yet again) the “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy movies. There is so much imagery and deeper meaning in Tolkien’s writings. And there is lots of trivia to discuss! Haley and I are both Tolkienites, so it’s been great fun! I thank God that He has given me a friend like her and that we got to become so close so quickly!

It's now tsuyu (rainy season), so there is lots of rain almost every day, even causing some flooding, making getting around more difficult, especially without a car! 

One of my roommates was able to go home to California for two months and has returned refreshed. I am thankful for my roommates and the relationships the Lord has built there. 

A very exciting event! One of our team couples delivered their first baby just recently! Sadly, both Mama and Daddy tested positive for Covid, so they were separated from their daughter for the first few days, but they are home and enjoying the time with their new baby girl! My roommate and I took dinner to them and got to hold her! We also just gave her a baby shower, which was so fun and special! I helped with organizing the games and the flow of the party, which was new for me, but a great experience!

The Japan Philharmonic Orchestra is currently touring Japan, and came to perform in Ishinomaki! I got to attend their performance of Tchaikovsky's “Swan Lake” with one of the families from the schoolroom, who appreciate and love music as much as I do! It was my first time in the local performance hall, and I was very impressed! I was so glad to attend that concert with such wonderful friends.

Looking to the future

This is a time of uncertainty for me as I look to my future in Japan, with the end of my one-year contract drawing to an end. I am certain that God has His plan for me, so, though I don’t know yet what or where it is, I am looking to Him for my next assignment.

So many circumstances have changed the ministry landscape for the entire team here in Ishinomaki. The leadership shared with me that this year has not looked anything like they anticipated. They have loved having me as part of the team, and though they don’t want me to leave, they have opened that door for me because the schoolroom of missionary students is now down to very few. 

I have enjoyed my time with IKG (Gospel Choir) and developing relationships with the members. I had my last rehearsal for the summer (and possibly much longer), and they knew it was my last, so I was able to choose which songs I wanted to sing. I used those to show the message I want them to remember, and asked them to consider the truth of what they sing and to Whom they sing. They all said they would miss my smile, so I said that my smile is only because of God’s joy and true love and I have those because I believe in Him and the words we sing. Besides the director, there is only one member who is a Christian. It is so fascinating that the Japanese are so drawn to Gospel music. Pray that these ladies would think on my words and come to the true understanding of the message in the songs they sing. 

I have also had several opportunities to share about the Lord with my language partner. Just last week, she was able to join some of us from church for dinner, so she now has more connections with believers! I pray that, no matter where the Lord takes me, I can continue to strengthen and pour into the people with whom I have already established relationships, as well as provide opportunities for even more community and new relationships. Pray that the Lord would continue to stir her heart and draw her to Himself, and that the other believers she met would be able to keep connecting with her and her husband. 

I will be flying home, the Lord willing, at the end of June. Our mission conference is July 7–14. This will be a wonderful time of sharing what the Lord is doing in Japan and being refreshed, both by seeing church family, but also by being with other missionaries. I look forward to what the Lord has for me during this time. I will have a table set up Sunday, June 9, so please come say hi! I would love to show and tell in person even more of what God is doing in Japan!

Before I knew I would be able to actually move to Japan for the job for which I had been hired (thank you pandemic), I agreed to go on a choir trip to England! So at the end of the Mission Conference, I will be flying with friends to England to sing about the Lord for 10 days. (I am thinking that my body will have no idea what time it is, having not been in the States very long and flying out again!)

My plan at this time is to be in Denton through the month of August. Please reach out, as I would love to catch up individually with you!

Friday, March 3, 2023

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!


I pray you have been well, safe, and warm during this chilly season! (Or is it only cold here?)

First, just a quick update of December's events and travels, then we'll look at how the first two months of 2023 have been!

The IKG (gospel choir) Christmas market performance went very well! I got to carpool with some members I haven't spoken with as much yet. This day was a great opportunity to share more about why I am in Japan, that I am so joyful in my singing because I truly believe the songs we sing and the One to Whom we sing, and about the true story of Christmas. 

I was also able to share the story of Christmas with my language exchange partner, and she was very interested in what I shared and asked several questions about the meaning of different parts of the story! She had heard a little of it before but was excited to learn the whole story, including Who the Baby is, why He needed to come because of the Fall, the promise of a Savior and prophecies throughout the Old Testament, and the meaning of the gifts of the wise men that indicated Who He is and foreshadowing His sacrifice on the Cross. I was able to tie the Christmas story into the Gospel story and emphasise our need for a Savior and Redeemer. Pray for her as she continues to contemplate all I shared, that the seed planted would continue to grow, and that she would realize her need for a Savior.

During the weeks leading up to Christmas, I led the schoolroom kids through the Advent wreath (sans candles) and had a short lesson about the word each candle represents. It was so special to hear these students reading scripture and sharing their thoughts and hearts. I hope to continue having weekly devotional times with them in the new year. 
We also had a schoolroom Christmas party! They had lots of fun showing their creativity and teamwork through marshmallow sculptures, acting out the "12 Days of Christmas," and other fun winter- and Christmas-themed games and activities!

I came back to Texas on December 20, just in time for Christmas! I was able to play harp with the orchestra for my church's Christmas Eve and Day services, as well as the other Sundays I was home. It was such a wonderful time, and I was glad to get to spend time with so many friends and see so much family in those few short weeks. Thank you to everyone who took time to meet with me over the holiday season.

Be One's Christmas service

I returned to Japan on January 14th, and started back in the schoolroom the following Monday. As a Texan, I'm not used to getting much snow, so this winter has been quite a learning curve, with so many days of snow, even though it doesn't accumulate more than an inch or so, if at all. I've learned that, since the snow here doesn't turn into ice, life continues as usual, if only slightly slower. 

At the end of January, I made a brief trip to Nagoya to visit a friend I made when I was in Nagoya last summer, as well as to attend a concert.

Snow Day (one of many)

Nagoya's Central Park the Mirai Tower (not the Eiffel Tower!)
We have a new teammate, Haley, who will be joining Be One for a year to help restart after-school and youth programs that haven't happened since before the pandemic! Pray for her as she continues to settle into a new place, a new language, and a new ministry. Pray for her to be effective in bringing in children from the community for a fun and safe place to play and build relationships.

It snowed more in February, and IKG (Gospel choir) started rehearsing after the holiday break. We are learning a new song called Revelation 19:1, and the director took his time when introducing it to explain the story behind it, starting in the Garden, through the prophecies, the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Christ, the Church Age, and looking forward to His return, as seen in Revelation. For many of the members, it was the first time they had heard the story of the Bible so succinctly, from start to finish, in a way they could understand. Pray for their hearts to be receptive to the message of the One to Whom we sing.

I also got to meet with the a cappella group in Sendai again! This was our first time meeting since November, but we were able to sing together well and enjoy our time together. Pray that I can continue to be a light to these people, as well, even though I see them in-person infrequently.

One of the schoolroom families gave their daughter a new piano for Christmas, and gifted me with their old keyboard! It is such a huge and wonderful blessing! It is able to plug into my computer so I can use it for creating and composing songs or writing sheet music more easily, so I have been flexing my creative muscles a lot more over this past month.

Near the end of February, there was a national holiday, so a group of us from church decided to visit a nearby island and hike up to its mountain's summit. All told, the hike took about three hours, and the views were spectacular, but the best part was going on the adventure together.
Snowy Trail

Wild Monkeys

Post-hike lunch of grilled
Minke-whale meat. Yum!


  • I was able to perform several times with the local Gospel Choir! I also got to share with more of the choir members why I am in Japan! 
  • The schoolroom, while small in number, is going strong, and everyone gets along well.
  • Christmas at home was a wonderful time! I got to meet with friends and family, and I got back to Japan smoothly enough.
  • I've had a lot of great meetings and time spent together with teammates, language partners, and both singing groups, since coming back after the holidays.
  • Thanks to the generosity of one of the schoolroom families, I have my own keyboard, which I can use to create and record music, as well as prepare and practice for worship!
Prayer Requests:
  • Pray for all those with whom I've gotten to share my story of coming to Japan, that they would seek to know more about the One Who called me, especially the ladies in IKG and the members of the a cappella group.
  • Pray for the new teammate as she settles in and adjusts to living in Japan and being part of the Be One team. Pray for all her ministry activities to bear fruit, especially with the children in the community.
  • Continue to pray for those with whom I come into contact in the community, that they would see Jesus in me and want to know Him because of my presence.
  • Continue to pray for church leadership as they seek God's guidance for the future of church and personal ministries. Also pray for me as I continue seeking what my part is in God's plan here.
  • Pray for the hearts of the schoolroom kids, as they continue learning about and following God, that they would consider and act on the lessons learned during Advent.
  • Pray for each other. Pray for the person who reads this next, only God knows who that is, that they will seek to be the light of Christ to those around them, active as missionaries wherever they live.

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  

In Him,
