I landed on Thursday Evening and went straight to a hotel (after the obligatory stop in a 7-11 for delicious snacks) and slept off the jet lag before meeting up with the Bangs on Friday and settling into their home. On Saturday, I helped with a children’s English class, and afterward we all ate a curry lunch provided by the generosity of the church and neighborhood.

That evening, we went out to Odawara to take part in their evening Bible study. It was attended by people of all ages, from junior and senior high school students, to college students and young adults, and even several grandmas! The topic that evening was the importance of every life, and they brought in a midwife to share about her job and how she gets to experience how special each life is every day.

On Sunday, I attended both Samukawa Christ Church (left above) in the morning and Shonan Community Church (right above) in the afternoon. The members of Samukawa CC are older and their service is more traditional, but they are very kind and welcoming, and I knew all the old hymns we sang, though I don’t know the lyrics in Japanese so had to read fast! After the service, the church grandmas made delicious udon for everyone! Shonan CC members have a few older members and a few younger members, so the worship is more contemporary. As their regular worship leader couldn’t be there this week, Pastor Bang led on guitar and I volunteered to play keyboard along with him. It was fun to be part of leading worship even though I still can’t sing much in Japanese yet! I happened to be there on the week both churches held communion, so it was special to take part in that with both churches.
On Monday, Cosmo took me sightseeing in Kamakura and Enoshima. I got to see a locally famous shopping street and temple, then we stopped in Inamuragasaki for lunch, and from there, you can see not only Enoshima, but… Mt. Fuji!!! I had seen it from a bullet train and from a plane before, but this was my first time seeing it so well and standing still. I never understood the hype of seeing it

Tuesday was a schedule-free day, so I scheduled a “headspa” or scalp-cleaning massage (a belated birthday present), which was lovely and relaxing, then enjoyed wandering around the shopping area, before meeting their daughter for an evening of dinner and karaoke! What a special bonding time. I was reminded of how difficult it is to sing along to an accompaniment track you've never heard before! I also realized the importance of taking a proper Sabbath, a day of rest, even if it isn’t on Sunday.
On Wednesday morning, Pastor Wansik

It has been so wonderful getting to spend time with many of you while I've been home! Since Japan doesn't really celebrate Christmas, it was extra special getting to do all the Christmas things I love with my family and friends.

I especially wanted to let you know that I have been accepted as the missionary to Samukawa Christian Church in Kanagawa, Japan! I will be returning in January, moving my things down from Ishinomaki, and setting up my new home in the house provided by the church!
As I move and set up a new house by myself, I ask that you prayerfully consider remembering me in your year-end giving, either as a one-time gift to help with moving and set-up costs, or monthly support to fund my ongoing ministry to the second-largest unreached people group in the world. As always, your prayers for me and for the hearts of the Japanese are of highest value.
Thank you again for all your prayers and support for me and my ministry this past year! God is doing things in Japan and I get to be a part of it because I have you on my team! If you would like to meet with me or have me speak in your Bible Study or Sunday School before I go back, please let me know!
- The trip in November went well, and I was easily able to get a seat on both flights!
- I have been accepted by the church in Japan and will be moving to serve with them in January!
- God is good in His timing and faithful in His promises!
Prayer Requests:
- Pray for peace and clear thinking as I close my time in the states and prepare to move to a new area of Japan. Pray for smoothness in all the logistics of moving.
- Pray that God would provide additional monthly and one-time support gifts to help cover any moving and setup costs and the increase in cost of living.
- Continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, as we were instructed to do in Psalm 122. Pray that many would come to know Jesus as Messiah through these horrific times, as we look to His return and the end of the age of mercy.
- Pray for each other. Pray for the person who reads this next, only God knows who that is, that they will thank Him for sending Jesus to be Emmanuel, God with us, and that He is still with us today.