April 18, 1 day before the flight:
Japan requires all travelers to get tested for COVID within 72 hours of their flight departure. There is a specific form which the one administering the COVID test must fill out. After much searching and several calls, I was able to find a testing site that could give me the correct type in a short enough time and said they would be able to fill out this form! I drove up that morning, the pharmacist explained how to use the test, and I'm ready for it. However, when I mentioned the forms, they said it was impossible for them to do. How frustrating! So I left without taking the test and went to a local, Christian-owned pharmacy, and not only could they give me the right test and fill out the form, they had an intern that had recently gone on a mission trip to Japan! I was able to get the test, which was negative, the form, and their prayers!
That evening, my family and I had a time of fellowship and prayer as they would be sending me off the next day. It was such a special time. Over the last few weeks before moving, I felt such an outpouring of love and support from everyone around me. Without a doubt, I would not be able to believe the lie that no one loves or cares about me. What a great reminder from God to cling to as I go join a new family of believers!
April 19, flying to Japan:
Waving to my parents from the other side of security and making my way through the airport by myself was so surreal. I thank God for my parents being there and encouraging me every step of the way. Thankfully I had plenty of time to walk around and get some food and coffee before the flight, so being alone was not lonely. The day before the flight, the mask mandate on flights was lifted, and I had three seats to myself on the flight, so I had a pretty comfortable and uneventful flight. They fed us well and I was able to sleep a couple of hours.
April 20, landing in Japan:
We landed about 20 minutes ahead of schedule! This is great because apparently how fast you can get through the entry process partially depends on how busy they are based on how many flights land at the same time. I had read that transiting passengers (not staying in Japan) were let off first and those staying had to wait until last, but thankfully they let us off first! From the moment I deplaned, it was almost non-stop walking. There were several stations where they give you a paper, check the paper, mark things on the paper, ask to see that my phone had a green screen (if you filled out the paperwork electronically ahead of time and had been approved), etc. Somewhere in there, I did the saliva COVID test, and they started processing that while I went to more stations. By the time I reached the "wait for test results" area, I had walked 1550 steps in about an hour and a half. That's a lot, especially after sitting on a plane for 13 hours, and including many stairs as well. I waited for about half an hour before my number was called to get my result, which was negative. During that time, I chatted with the lady in the seat next to me, who was coming as a student to learn Japanese, and I was able to share that I was coming as a missionary! God gave me several opportunities along this journey until then to share why I was going (and in some cases I explained what a missionary was), which is a great way to plant some seeds wherever I am.
After receiving my negative test paper and quarantine instructions, I went through immigration, where I got my foreign residency card, and customs, and was finally out and able to meet my teammates to drive me up to Ishinomaki for my quarantine! Wonder of wonders, I made it through all the entry process in only 2 hours! I had still been reading of people waiting 5-9 hours to get through everything, even having done paperwork ahead of time, so it was a great work that God did allowing me to get through so smoothly and quickly! It is also wonderful that my teammates' schedule changed and they needed to come to Tokyo anyway, so they were able to pick me up and drive me, instead of me having to spend the night in a nearby hotel and navigate the trains alone the next morning. We got to my quarantine apartment around 11pm, which worked out perfectly to avoid jet lag!
April 21-27, quarantine:
For unvaccinated travelers from low-risk countries like America, quarantine is 7 days, which can be reduced if you submit a negative test taken on or after day 3. Unfortunately, my third day fell on a Saturday, and Ishinomaki is small enough that the only government-approved testing facility was closed on weekends, so I had to wait until Monday. I got tested on Monday about noon, and results are supposed come within 24 hours. I didn't get mine until after 7pm on Tuesday! Once you get the results, you have to submit them to the app that monitors location and health condition during quarantine. Since I got the results so late, they didn't respond and clear me from quarantine until 9:30 Wednesday morning, the day I would have finished quarantine anyway! Oh well, God's timing is perfect, and if nothing else, it meant not having to move to my long-term apartment in the rain.
Japan requires all travelers to get tested for COVID within 72 hours of their flight departure. There is a specific form which the one administering the COVID test must fill out. After much searching and several calls, I was able to find a testing site that could give me the correct type in a short enough time and said they would be able to fill out this form! I drove up that morning, the pharmacist explained how to use the test, and I'm ready for it. However, when I mentioned the forms, they said it was impossible for them to do. How frustrating! So I left without taking the test and went to a local, Christian-owned pharmacy, and not only could they give me the right test and fill out the form, they had an intern that had recently gone on a mission trip to Japan! I was able to get the test, which was negative, the form, and their prayers!
That evening, my family and I had a time of fellowship and prayer as they would be sending me off the next day. It was such a special time. Over the last few weeks before moving, I felt such an outpouring of love and support from everyone around me. Without a doubt, I would not be able to believe the lie that no one loves or cares about me. What a great reminder from God to cling to as I go join a new family of believers!
April 19, flying to Japan:
Waving to my parents from the other side of security and making my way through the airport by myself was so surreal. I thank God for my parents being there and encouraging me every step of the way. Thankfully I had plenty of time to walk around and get some food and coffee before the flight, so being alone was not lonely. The day before the flight, the mask mandate on flights was lifted, and I had three seats to myself on the flight, so I had a pretty comfortable and uneventful flight. They fed us well and I was able to sleep a couple of hours.
April 20, landing in Japan:
We landed about 20 minutes ahead of schedule! This is great because apparently how fast you can get through the entry process partially depends on how busy they are based on how many flights land at the same time. I had read that transiting passengers (not staying in Japan) were let off first and those staying had to wait until last, but thankfully they let us off first! From the moment I deplaned, it was almost non-stop walking. There were several stations where they give you a paper, check the paper, mark things on the paper, ask to see that my phone had a green screen (if you filled out the paperwork electronically ahead of time and had been approved), etc. Somewhere in there, I did the saliva COVID test, and they started processing that while I went to more stations. By the time I reached the "wait for test results" area, I had walked 1550 steps in about an hour and a half. That's a lot, especially after sitting on a plane for 13 hours, and including many stairs as well. I waited for about half an hour before my number was called to get my result, which was negative. During that time, I chatted with the lady in the seat next to me, who was coming as a student to learn Japanese, and I was able to share that I was coming as a missionary! God gave me several opportunities along this journey until then to share why I was going (and in some cases I explained what a missionary was), which is a great way to plant some seeds wherever I am.
After receiving my negative test paper and quarantine instructions, I went through immigration, where I got my foreign residency card, and customs, and was finally out and able to meet my teammates to drive me up to Ishinomaki for my quarantine! Wonder of wonders, I made it through all the entry process in only 2 hours! I had still been reading of people waiting 5-9 hours to get through everything, even having done paperwork ahead of time, so it was a great work that God did allowing me to get through so smoothly and quickly! It is also wonderful that my teammates' schedule changed and they needed to come to Tokyo anyway, so they were able to pick me up and drive me, instead of me having to spend the night in a nearby hotel and navigate the trains alone the next morning. We got to my quarantine apartment around 11pm, which worked out perfectly to avoid jet lag!
April 21-27, quarantine:
For unvaccinated travelers from low-risk countries like America, quarantine is 7 days, which can be reduced if you submit a negative test taken on or after day 3. Unfortunately, my third day fell on a Saturday, and Ishinomaki is small enough that the only government-approved testing facility was closed on weekends, so I had to wait until Monday. I got tested on Monday about noon, and results are supposed come within 24 hours. I didn't get mine until after 7pm on Tuesday! Once you get the results, you have to submit them to the app that monitors location and health condition during quarantine. Since I got the results so late, they didn't respond and clear me from quarantine until 9:30 Wednesday morning, the day I would have finished quarantine anyway! Oh well, God's timing is perfect, and if nothing else, it meant not having to move to my long-term apartment in the rain.
The people of the Be One team and parents of the students I will be teaching brought me a meal each day, which was so kind and generous! I appreciated it not only because I wouldn't have to figure out getting enough food for a week, but I also got to meet each family, or couple, individually and make each connection special. This kindness makes me think of the church in Acts, just one big family, doing for and giving to other believers; a strong community built on the foundation of Christ. Though I had video-chatted with some of them, when I first met them, I could instantly feel that we were brothers and sisters in Christ, all parts of the same Body, worshiping and sharing the love of the same God. I will never get tired of this amazing representation of Heaven, of people from everywhere being connected and in one place because of the love of God and the gift of His Son.
April 27-28, moving in, getting acquainted:
Since I got the all clear notice Wednesday morning, I was able to move into my apartment that afternoon, and the pastor took me to get registered at city hall to make me an official resident of Ishinomaki, Japan! I was able to get mostly unpacked before going to my first LifeGroup that evening. Recently, the church has been trying the model of several locations of LifeGroup (small group Bible study) meetings throughout the week and having a Sunday Celebration (more traditional "church service") once a month, trying to meet the needs of the congregation and encourage local believers to be more personally involved and connected to the scriptures. Thursday I finished moving in, visited the store, and spent time with a couple who have been here about a year and a half, to discuss language learning strategies and options, and create a plan for my continued and increasingly-intense Japanese language learning. I connected with this couple very well and we talked for quite a while about music things! It's a blessing to have friends and teammates with whom I can nerd out over music!
April 29-May 1, team retreat:
I had only spent two days getting settled in my new apartment when it was time to throw things in a bag for a three day-two night retreat with the Be One team! This was a very special time with not only team leaders, but also with their families, having fellowship, discussing how ministry has been, and thanking God for any progress. We also looked toward the future and prayed for God to guide us going forward, and listened to a couple teaching about different church and growth models they've seen bear fruit in the Tokyo area. We started by having a scavenger hunt in the mall, and that was a great way to experience a mall in Japan without the pressure of spending a lot of time looking. We then had lunch in the food court, and went on to the facility where we would be staying. It was a place usually used for sports camps or tournaments, but it was open for us to use! They served us dinner, we played some games, and spent some time sharing stories of how we came to Japan or a time in our lives we felt God moving in us. I enjoyed the chance to hear my teammates' stories and share my own.
Saturday, we had some worship time (I'm working on learning the Japanese worship songs and vocabulary used, not just singing phonetically) and had a training time lead by a couple who work with an organization based in the Tokyo area called No Place Left, which works toward training Japanese believers to share and spread the Gospel until there is no place left in Japan that has not heard. We were able to listen and discuss and study scriptural evidence of how we should approach growing the Body in our local community. We then spent some time in the nearby park, which has a large "roller slide" (look it up, they're super fun) to get down to the open area, which most of us rode, and we had some lovely time playing and enjoying the beauty of God's creation in the nature around us. We even got a Salsa dancing lesson from the couple who had been training us that morning! In the evening, we
had worship and discussion time, to process what we had learned, and to brainstorm ways we might implement the training going forward. Sunday, we had a time of worship and the pastor gave a sermon about Ezekiel and the dry bones, and asked God to daily give us hearts of flesh instead of stone. Then we went back home!
May 2-9, settling in, visiting Tokyo:
Tokyo Tower
More orientation and settling in, driving practice (they drive on the opposite side, which can make things a little confusing), having dinner with different families from either the church or the school room, enjoying the few days of holiday and beautiful weather God gave for lots of fun local exploring! It turns out I'll be in Tokyo area for the weekend to help with children's ministry at a retreat one of the Be One families is attending, as well as the chance to see a friend from college and visit a family I knew from Texas! I survived and even enjoyed riding the trains of Tokyo by myself, and only took the wrong train once, which was easy to correct. I am glad God gave me this time to settle in, see friends, and travel a little before the regular schedule of teaching and ministry sets in on May 10.
Outside Shinjuku station while transferring
- I was able to get the right COVID test and was negative both there and upon entry to Japan!
- I made it to Japan! I got my visa, they let me in, I am now a resident of Japan!
- I didn't have to wear a mask on the plane and the seats to either side of me were empty!
- The entry process went quickly and smoothly, and my teammates were able to drive me to my quarantine apartment right away!
- All of my team is so welcoming and lovely and generous! I feel so at home with them already!
- Kind of an unusual one, but sometimes it's the little things: there are only three ways one has to sort basic trash! I was concerned about having to divide between 6-7 different categories, but thankfully Ishinomaki only has 3, and they're really easy to understand and follow!
- I had time to see my friends and get settled before starting my job!
- The view out of my apartment is beautiful! I can see mountains from my bedroom and the ocean from the living room! The weather is so beautiful, even with some rain, and even snow on one night!
- So far I have been able to navigate well enough with my limited Japanese. A teammate and I came up with a plan for language learning, which will become more intense during the summer break!
- There have been so many daily blessings and mercies God has given, which to me just confirms that I am where I should be!
- Pray as I begin teaching in the classroom and start adjusting to my new schedule, that it will go smoothly and I will be useful to both parents and students.
- Pray as I discern which Life Group (weekly Bible study) to join out of the 4 options. Pray as Be One continues to discern the best "church" model and opportunities to fit the needs of local believers.
- Pray that the ministries here will see growth, both in number of seekers and faith of believers, that they would feel the burden to share their faith with their family and community.
- Pray that those around me would see only Jesus and the hope that His love can bring, and that I would find ways to start conversations with neighbors and find English-speakers until I can become more fluent.
- Pray as I start soon with a Japanese teacher and continue looking for a language helper, that I would find just the right people to help me learn quickly and easily, and that I would boldly use what I know instead of reverting to gesturing or translating. Pray that my brain would absorb new information well and bring what I've learned to mind easily.
- Pray for each other. Pray for the person who reads this next, only God knows who that is, that they will feel God's presence in their day today and know He is their only hope.
In Him,